40 Reasons Why You Should NEVER EVER EVER visit Caithness. Ever.
Kenneth McElroy from Caithness Broch Project (a previous NC500 employee) has a stark warning for all of you planning a visit to mainland Scotland’s most northerly county…
1. Want to visit Caithness? Prepare for an underwhelming experience…
2. Firstly, there’s the abysmal weather. There’s never been a beach day in Caithness!
But with beaches like these, why would you bother? They’re so deserted!
3. Caithness is just so remote and dull. Who could enjoy all of this?
4. Or sights like this?
5. Let’s face it. Caithness is just not very colourful at all. Just look at this drab sunrise!
6. The sunsets aren’t much better either.
7. And once the sun’s gone, don’t expect much else either…
8. Nope, nothing to see here!
9. Besides, your view will be obstructed by all these ancient monuments.
10. Which aren’t even impressive in the day time anyway!
11. And just who on earth would be interested by Caithness’ numerous mystical and enigmatic brochs?
12. Or this secret poem, beautifully carved into the rocks?
I’m not telling you where this is – it’s a secret!
13.Or Caithness’ array of the Game-Of-Thrones style castles – BORING!
14. Another incredible castle…yawn!
15. Castle of Mey? More like Castle of ‘Meh’!
16. The visitors aren’t much to rave about either!
17. But I suppose Caithness has some ALRIGHT walks, like Whaligoe Steps…
Wait a second, you want me to climb HOW MANY STEPS?
(330, to be precise…)
18. At least the rest of Caithness is famously flat and boring. No challenging peaks to conquer, phew!
19. In fact the scenery in Caithness is rather boring.
I suppose some (weird) people would find this impressive.
20. And some (even weirder) people who would enjoy sailing through this massive sea arch!
21. Of course don’t bother looking for wildlife if you’re out and about.
Puffins? Never heard of them.
22. Because there’s nothing.
23. No opportunities, what so ever!
24. Caithness in not a place for nature lovers
25. And if you saw a cute baby animal, you’re probably just imagining things…
26. Generally Caithness is void of anything remotely wild…
27. …Not least the supposedly world class waves!
Nope, Caithness sure doesn’t have surf conditions perfect for beginners and professionals alike….OH GREAT LOOK, ANOTHER CASTLE!
28. And it’s not like there’s anywhere you can eat to top up your energy levels.
29. Nor is there anywhere that does fine dining with the fresh and delicious local produce!
30. Especially for those who dislike seafood!
31. Caithness can’t even do a good cup of coffee…
32. It’s not like there’s an award-winning gin distillery in Caithness, is there?
33. If you’re planning on visiting – forget it. All Caithness is good for is some signpost…
There’s not even anywhere nice to stay!
34. I mean how could anyone get to sleep with all those dazzling colours outside! Ridiculous!
35. Caithness is not for the arty types either!
36. Pfft! Culture, you got to be kidding me!
Photo by Mey House: Luxury Rooms and Breakfast at the Mey Games.
….As you can see there is no fun to be had at local events!
37. Award winning whisky.. you’ll be lucky!
38. If you want to run around with a ball and a stick then be my guest…!
A hidden gem in the north Highlands? Really